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Production Animal


Horses Cattle


MAP-5 is a patented salt of hyaluronic acid in normal saline for use in the collection, handling, culture and cryopreservation of embryos, ova, sperm, and other cells.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural, highly charged, polyanionic molecule composed of alternating units of D-glucuronic and 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucose. These unbranched, coiled, elongated polysaccharide chains maintain a large negative electrostatic charge that attracts water molecules and allow the deformation of the molecular coil as ice crystallization occurs during freezing and thawing. Hyaluronic acid coats and protects cells and tissues by attaching to the CD44 (hyaluronan) receptor sites on cells. The purity, defined molecular weight, and molecular chain length of the sodium hyaluronic acid in MAP-5 ensure that cells are completely coated and protected during all phases of handling and storage.


Sterile solution for embryo transfer, in vitro, cellular handling, and cryopreservation.

Dosage and Administration

MAP-5 should be added to collection, handling, culture, and freezing solutions to replace serum and serum products normally used in these media. MAP-5 is compatible with all common cell supporting media, cell surfactants, and cryopreservative solutions used in embryo transfer and in vitro fertilization procedures. The inclusion concentration depends on the procedure and the prior results and experiences of individual veterinarians and cell biologists. Studies have demonstrated that a 0.1% w/v MAP-5 replaces 20% v/v of serum in holding and cryopreservative solutions. The common final concentration of MAP-5 used in freezing solutions is 1 mg/mL (0.1% w/v). Flushing and collection solutions commonly employ 0.1 to 0.5 mg/mL of MAP-5.

How Packaged

MAP-5 (50 mg) 10 mL vial [5 mg/mL]

Where to Buy

Contact your Vetoquinol representative or preferred distributor.